From extreme poverty to abundant life.


FARM STEW trains families how to lift themselves out of extreme poverty and into an abundant life.

Our recipe for abundant life includes eight key ingredients: Farming, Attitude, Rest, Meals, Sanitation, Temperance, Enterprise, and Water.

Local Christian trainers teach these practical skills through hands-on activities, breaking the cycle of hunger, disease, and poverty.

FARM STEW equips people to have "life more abundantly" as Jesus described in John 10:10.

The crisis

Sharing the Recipe

We deeply appreciate the generosity of our donors, members of the FARM STEW Family, whose support fuels our mission to empower communities and transform lives. Your contribution is a vital part of sharing Jesus' love and God's powerful recipe for abundant life. 

Join us in promoting abundant living, reducing hunger, preventing disease, and breaking the cycle of poverty. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of those in desperate need.

Donate now and "share the recipe"!


Local staff

Bible verses


People with clean water

Girl's pads

Participant training days

our impact

“FARM STEW has given me a hook rather than a fish!”

After attending a FARM STEW training program at the Pagirinya refugee camp where she lives, Nathalie started cultivating her own garden.  “Now, I feed my children and sell  extra vegetables to meet my family’s needs.”   Nathalie and her children have successfully broken free from the chains of poverty and dependency to live an abundant life!

Discover where we serve
The crisis


The common response to the heart-wrenching crisis of hunger, disease, and poverty is to offer food and money. This approach, while offering immediate relief, doesn't lead to long-term solutions. It can create a cycle of dependency instead of educating individuals on how to care for themselves and their families. This is where the FARM STEW recipe differs.

FARM STEW offers freedom.

Five Freedoms

The Crisis of Hunger

Hunger and malnutrition are major health issues in underdeveloped countries, contributing to nearly half of all deaths in children under five, exceeding HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. Many lack knowledge about growing and gathering nutrient-rich foods to feed their families.

The Crisis of Disease

Nutritional deficiencies and poor sanitation are often the root cause of disease. Without nourishing food, the immune system weakens, making it easier to get sick and slower to recover. The lack of clean water and proper sanitation facilities contributes to the spread of disease.

The Crisis of Poverty

The harsh reality of poverty grips the lives of people across the globe, notably the innocent lives of over 387 million children who are living in conditions of extreme impoverishment. Without knowledge and tools they need to change their circumstances, the devastating cycle of poverty passes down from generation to generation.

The crisis


The common response to the heart-wrenching crisis of hunger, disease, and poverty is to offer food and money. This approach, while offering immediate relief, doesn't lead to long-term solutions. It can create a cycle of dependency instead of educating individuals on how to care for themselves and their families. This is where the FARM STEW recipe differs.

FARM STEW offers freedom.

Five Freedoms

Give the GIFT of Abundant Life: Transform Lives with FARM STEW

Join us in making a Kingdom difference by donating to FARM STEW. Our Bible-based teaching and training programs are bringing hope and empowerment to those in desperate need.Make a lasting impact today.

Your generosity can change lives.

Our response

The 5 Freedom Priorities

FARM STEW helps those impacted by hunger, disease, poverty, and dependency by bringing them freedom! Our priorities includes these 5 Freedoms:

Five Freedoms

Freedom from Dependency

FARM STEW believes in empowering families to thrive beyond just teaching them to "fish." Our local trainers impart skills in farming, nutrition, and enterprise, emphasizing the power of a positive attitude, adequate rest, and temperance. This unique approach liberates families from dependency, allowing to enjoy abundant living.

From Shame

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and it’s a stepping stone to a healthier and happier existence! Families and schools practicing Biblical teachings on sanitation create an environment that naturally repels disease and promotes well-being. Providing girls in schools with menstrual hygiene education and supplies, allows them to enjoy freedom from shame.

From Drudgery & Disease

With FARM STEW's guidance, communities build private latrines and hygiene facilities, construct low-smoke and solar cookstoves, and access clean, safe water. This brings Freedom from Drudgery and Disease. Your generous contributions fuel this change, making clean water and sanitation accessible, food preparation safer, and local borehole wells a reality.

To Prosper

FARM STEW fosters a spirit of hard work, saving, and entrepreneurship through local training initiatives. Our local trainers establish Village Savings and Loans Associations and farming cooperatives that assist families and nurture communities. These programs can stimulate health food production and agricultural businesses, providing sustainable funding for FARM STEW activities.

To Share

The FARM STEW Recipe Curriculum is a detailed guide to abundant life skills. Our comprehensive 400+ page manual, available in 8 languages and printed across 4 continents, is user-friendly and educational. Partners worldwide—organizations, universities, individuals—apply and share the recipe for abundant life

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