Our commitment to each family and village is not a quick fix. Your consistent monthly donations ensure our local Christian trainers can return week after week, providing ongoing support and transforming lives with sustainable solutions.
It costs $444 to train, equip and coach an entire family, lifting them from extreme poverty to a life of freedom and abundance in Christ. This means that for $37 a month ($1.25 a day) you can make this possible. How many families will you empower today?
Join us in making a lasting impact with a reliable monthly gift.
FARM STEW’s unique approach combines the principles of sustainable agriculture with vital health education. Our curriculum is designed to address the root causes of poverty by empowering families with the knowledge they need to live healthy, self-sufficient lives.
By investing in these families, you’re not giving them a handout—you’re giving them a hand up, providing the knowledge, skills and tools they need to break the cycle of poverty for good.
If you would like to support FARM STEW International through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), you can direct your donation using the following information. A QCD is a great way to give tax-free from your IRA while making a meaningful impact. Please consult your financial advisor for details on how to process your donation.
Mtandaoni, ACH, Paypal na kwa barua kwa Sanduku la Posta 291 Princeton IL 61356, U.S.A.Tafadhali angalia “FARM STEW”. Kwa uhamisho wa mfuko nambari ya EIN ni #81 -3366582.
Tunajiri na kufundisha wenyeji ambao wanaelewa lugha na utamaduni kufundisha, kufundisha na kufundisha familia kutokana na umaskini mkubwa.
Ndio. FARM STEW International ni shirika la 501 (c) 3 linaloweza ushuru na mchango wako unaweza kupunguzwa kwa ushuru ndani ya miongozo ya sheria ya Marekani. Mnamo Januari kila mwaka utapokea risiti ya mchango. Ikiwa unaishi nje ya Marekani angalia na mamlaka yako ya kitaifa.