The Crisis of Hunger

World hunger remains one of the most pressing issues of our time. Despite the fact that enough food is produced globally to feed everyone, a staggering 783 million people still go hungry every day. This article delves into the causes of world hunger, its devastating impacts, and how FARM STEW is addressing the problem through sustainable agriculture and training.

Understanding World Hunger

What is Hunger?

Hunger is defined by the UN Hunger Report as periods when populations experience severe food insecurity. This condition arises when individuals cannot guarantee a steady, daily supply of safe and nutritious food necessary for an active and healthy life.

Facts and Figures

  • 14 million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition, the most life-threatening form of hunger.
  • 1 in 10 people globally go to bed hungry every night.
  • 3 billion people, nearly 4 in 10, cannot afford a healthy, nutritious diet.
Causes of Hunger


Poverty is a significant driver of food insecurity. Many people lack the financial means to purchase sufficient food, leading to chronic hunger.

Conflict and Hunger

Armed conflict remains the leading cause of hunger worldwide. Wars disrupt agriculture, destroy infrastructure, and displace populations. Those who survive are often left in poverty and hunger, unable to secure their future health and well-being.

The Climate Crisis and Hunger

Extreme weather events are increasingly common. These conditions impact those living in the most vulnerable areas, causing droughts, famines, and reduced growing seasons. Climate changes are reducing crop yields and making it challenging to grow and distribute food.

The Impact of Hunger 

Hunger's Impact on Children

Hunger has particularly devastating effects on children. Nearly half of all deaths among children under five are linked to undernutrition. Every day, 1,000 children die from illnesses caused by dirty water and poor living conditions. Furthermore, more than 150 million children worldwide miss out on meals and essential health and nutrition services.

Hunger's Impact on the Poor

Although the world produces enough food, poverty prevents many from accessing it. Four out of ten people globally cannot afford a healthy diet. In regions like South Asia, the challenge is compounded by the need to create millions of jobs annually to keep up with population growth. Hunger and poverty are a vicious cycle that often leads to a downward spiral where families cut back on essentials, including nutritious food, worsening their food insecurity and health.

So what can be done?

Sustainable Solutions to World Hunger

We are building a world where no one dies from hunger. By leveraging their extensive knowledge, research, and technical expertise, we are breaking down complex problems into simple, actionable steps. Here's how FARM STEW is helping communities tackle hunger:

  • Training and Education: Education and practical training are at the heart of what we do at FARM STEW. We offer comprehensive training on nutrition, hygiene, and sustainable agriculture. This well-rounded education helps communities become self-sufficient and maintain their own food security.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: FARM STEW is all about promoting sustainable farming practices that make the soil healthier and boost crop yields. We teach techniques like crop rotation, organic farming, and water conservation as key parts of our approach. Plus, we help families learn how to grow beautiful kitchen gardens using regenerative agriculture methods. Our goal is simple: to make sure everyone has access to safe, nutritious food all year round, so no one has to go hungry.
  • Community Empowerment: By giving communities the knowledge and resources to grow their own food, FARM STEW helps them become self-sufficient and resilient. This not only boosts their confidence but also strengthens the community as a whole, making it more adaptable and capable of facing future challenges. Through this process, FARM STEW is building a foundation for lasting food security and independence.

In 2024 alone, our efforts have helped nearly 12,000 families break free from hunger in 15 countries. By focusing on the prevention and treatment of malnutrition, we are playing a key role in the global fight against hunger, one family at a time.

Joy Kauffman

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