Poverty: A Global Issue

Poverty is a global issue. It is estimated that around 10% of the world’s population lives in poverty, or a staggering 700 million people. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the percentage of children in particular living in poverty increases drastically to around 40%. 4 in 10 children living in poverty, while the other 90% of the world has enough, and often even more than they need. 

Understanding World Poverty

Poverty in the 21st century goes beyond the traditional notion of solely lacking financial resources. It includes lacking access to adequate healthcare, education, clean water, and nutritious food. In our increasingly interconnected world, poverty is not just an economic condition but a complex social issue. This modern perspective reveals that poverty is deeply intertwined with systemic issues that hinder individuals and communities from achieving their full potential, perpetuating a cycle of deprivation and marginalization. Addressing 21st-century poverty requires a holistic approach that goes beyond financial aid to include sustainable development and empowerment initiatives.

The Vicious Cycle of Poverty

Life in a poverty-stricken third-world country is a daily struggle for survival, marked by scarcity and hardship. Families often live in overcrowded and inadequate housing, lacking access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities. Health issues are rampant due to malnutrition and preventable diseases, exacerbated by limited access to healthcare services. Education, a crucial pathway out of poverty, is frequently unattainable, with children forced to forgo school to help support their families. Employment opportunities are scarce and usually involve low-paying, unstable jobs. This environment fosters a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break, as the lack of resources and opportunities perpetuates the challenges faced by each new generation. Despite these hardships, communities often exhibit remarkable resilience and ingenuity, finding ways to survive and support one another amidst adversity. 

FARM STEW: A Beacon of Hope

FARM STEW is making a significant impact in the fight against global poverty by empowering communities to achieve self-sufficiency through sustainable practices. By providing training in farming techniques, stewardship, and entrepreneurship, FARM STEW equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to improve their livelihoods. Participants learn how to cultivate nutritious food, manage resources responsibly, and start small businesses, fostering economic growth and independence. 

Additionally, FARM STEW emphasizes the importance of sanitation and healthy eating, teaching communities how to maintain hygiene and prioritize nutrition, which leads to better health outcomes. Through this holistic, hands-on approach, FARM STEW is not just providing temporary relief but fostering long-term resilience and prosperity in impoverished regions around the world.

Real Life Impacts

The simple methods that FARM STEW teaches change the realities of life for generations. Parents who adopt these practices are able to change their family tree and offer a better future for their children. 

Josephine, a mom of 7 in Uganda, now makes enough money from selling the excess produce from her kitchen garden to pay school fees and buy medication. 
In Zambia, the community of Masase is now able to use a growing bee-keeping enterprise to provide a better life for its people.
Rose, a mother in Uganda, no longer has to worry about how she will feed her children year round now that she grows a thriving kitchen garden through the dry season using tools she learned from a FARM STEW training. 

There are countless stories like these. People who were once in the grip of poverty find freedom through the principles they learn in the FARM STEW training. 

How You Can Help

Poverty is a global issue, and that means it requires a global solution. Join us in spreading the transformative power of the FARM STEW recipe and be a part of the solution to the global poverty crisis. Your contribution can help provide essential training and resources to communities in need, empowering them to build sustainable futures. 

Together, we can break the cycle of poverty, promote health and well-being, and create lasting change. Visit our Circle of Abundance Membership page to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference today. Let’s fight poverty together and create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live an abundant life. 

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